Poor Organizing the Poor Resource Center


Welcome to the University of the Poor’s Resource center for the lessons from the Poor Organizing the Poor (Jonnie Tillman Organizing Model) based on lessons learned in the National Union of the Homeless (1985-1995) and current organizing efforts fighting to unite our class across all lines of division to end homelessness and poverty for all.

Poor Organizing the Poor Organizing Model

The National Union of the Homeless: A Brief History – Rev. West McNeil, Poverty Initiative

The Methods of Building Leadership and Organizing: Five Ingredients in the Poor Organizing the Poor – Willie Baptist and Phil Wider

The 6 Panther P’s: Tools for the Poor Organizing the Poor in the Fight to End Poverty Now! – Willie Baptist and Phil Wider

Power Not Pity: The Poor Organizing the Poor to Abolish Poverty – Willie Baptist and Kristin Colangelo

Mohammed Must go to the Mountain” Learn as We Lead, Teach as We Fight, Educate as we Organize Kristin Colangelo

Uniting the Poor! and the Communist Manifesto Homeless Union History Project

Resource-less but Resourceful: Building a New Network of “Underground Railroad” Projects of Survival Homeless Union History Project

TENT CITIES TACTICS: UNITY IN COMMUNITY – Emerging Political Tactics of the Poor and Homeless, a brief Summary of some past Experiences of the Kensington Welfare Rights Union’s (KWRU) and some recent National HomelessUnion’s Tent Cities – Anthony Prince, Min Dr. Savina Martin, Kristin Colangelo, Willie Baptist: National Union of the Homeless

Beyond Mutual Aid Toward the Poor Organizing the Poor Noam Sandweiss-Back, Kairos Center

Poor Organizing the Poor Materials/Writings

It’s Not Enough to be Angry – Willie Baptist

4 Cs in Developing and Uniting Leaders

“Questions Must Be Raised”: Who Are The Poor? Why Are We Poor? – Rev. Dr. Liz Theoharis and Willie Baptist

Reading the Bible with the Poor. Reading the Bible in an Age of Crisis Ch 2 – Rev Dr. Liz Theoharis and Willie Baptist

The Revival of the National Union of the Homeless. Rev. Dr. Liz Theoharis

Drugs, Divide-and-Conquer and Dissent: Perspectives and the Opioid Crisis. Caitlin MacLaren, Min. Dr. Savina Martin, Aaron Scott

From Elections to Politics – by Nijmie Dzurinko, with edits and contributions from Iaan Reynolds and Borja Gutiérrez

Where do we go from here: A reflection on the murder of George Floyd – Nijmie Dzurinko

Love Your Class! Considerations for Building a Statewide Movement in Pennsylvania – Nijmie Dzurinko

Changing Minds: Mental Terrain and the Art of Political Strategy and Tactics. Charon Hribar, John Wessel-McCoy and Willie Baptist.

The Right Not To Be Poor: The Growing Global Struggle For Economic Human Rights – Shailly Barnes, Chris Caruso, Willie Baptist

We are the Poor! Three Pieces on Political Economy. Dr. Bruce Edwards

Plight, Fight, and Insight of the Poor: The Need for a Pedagogy to End Poverty. Pedagogy of the Poor Introduction

Interview with Willie: Lessons for the National Union of the Homeless: A Debate on Organizing. Pedagogy of the Poor Ch 7

Teach As We Fight, Learn As We Lead. Pedagogy of the Poor Ch 11

You Only Get What You are Organized to Take

5 Slogans of the National Union of the Homeless

The Cockroach vs The Dinosaur: Power, Race, and Democracy

The Kensington 6 Seek Justice
